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Inter MFI Transfers

Loan Performer allows Inter-MFI transactions by SMS between say, client A of MFI X and client B of MFI Y. In order to use this functionality both MFIs need to get an LPF License that supports Mobile Banking. This can be purchased from Crystal Clear Software Ltd or you can access www.loanperformer.com for further details.

To use the inter MFI service you must first set the inter MFI GL account, configure the DSN for the Inter MFI transfer, setup the Modem and the Client service subscription.

This functionality requires you to have an Internet connection. You can use either the wired or wireless connection. You should also make sure that the exchange rates are set at Support Files/Exchange Rates.

How to set the Inter MFI GL account

To set an Inter MFI GL account you go to System\Configuration\Savings\Savings GL Accounts\Inter-MFI Savings Transfers and a screen like the one below shows up:


How to set the Minimum and Maximum savings allowed for the SMS transfer

To set the Minimum and Maximum Savings allowed for inter MFI transfer you go to System\Configuration\SMS Transactions and a screen like the one below shows up:

Select Inter-MFI transfers as the MESSAGE CODE. Enter the minimum and maximum allowed transfer amounts in the "Transaction Amount" section and click the "Save" button to effect the settings.

How to set DSNs for Inter MFI transfer

Loan Performer automatically creates DSNs for Inter MFI transfer. To find out if they are created, open the "Administrative tools" in the Windows Control Panel. Double click "Data Sources" and you should now see two User-DSNs i.e. lpf-2intermfi-public and lpf-intermfi-trans.

If you cannot find them, look for a batch file called inter-mfi in the working folder or external files folder and then double-click it to create the mentioned DSNs

How to set up the Modem

To set up the Modem you go to System\Configuration\SMS Connections and here you will be able to select a modem from the Connected Modems combo box (drop down); Provide the Service center number for the telephone service network, telephone number; Pin code (only if the Sim card requires a pin code to open) and User profile.

How to subscribe a Client to the SMS and Web Banking service

To subscribe a Client to the SMS and WEB Banking service you go to Clients\SMS and Web Clients and there you will be able to select a client and specify the client telephone number; password(pin code); and the account\product to charge. When you save the settings the client would have been subscribed to the service.

Related Topics

SMS and Web Clients, SMS Transactions, SMS Connections, SMS Reports

Contact LPF live support for more information
This service requires an Internet connection.

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